Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

(Project Angels) 1. How to get Kristya early + 2. Banisher


my last post was a long time ago. I tested a bit, soccer was important and school-stuff.
In my tests there was one big result:
When Kristya comes to the field, your opponent often doesn't have a chance anymore. Kristya kills a lot of Decks and lots of them doesn't have really outs against Kristya.
So, how can we get Kristya to the field in Turn 1? Best Option is discarding with Treasure and bring back with Miraculous Descent. But that is only a random combo.
Next combo is bring Earth 1st Turn, save him, then bring Venus + Shine Balls and Synchro to Trishula. Now you have 4 Fairys and can special summon Kristya with her own effect.
Last combo I will tell you is more interesting. You play Gold Sarcophag and either get Kristya with Miraculous Descent back or get him in the 3rd turn to your hand, where you normaly can have 4 Fairys in the grave. Also Sarcophag can bring you Giant Trunade against slow Decks or gamebreaker like Reborn or Dark hole.

Next part of my post:
Chronos posted on eTCG something about Banisher of the Radiance in Fairy-Side. 1st I was very sceptical, but I tested a bit with the Banisher. In Sidedeck it is a good option, but not really awesome, because everyone will board Light Improsing Mirror, and that kills not only your Fairys but also the Banisher.
BUT the Banisher could be a really interesting Main Deck Option. He is Fairy, so he fits to our topic. He is a really good AntiMetaCard, because he kills lots of Decks. Because of that a field with Kristya + Banisher is an autowin in lots of cases. In the next days I will test 3 Banisher with Burial and 3 Miraculous Descent, maybe including 2 Gold Sarcos.
Only negative aspect on maindecking Banisher is, that he isn't that good against Gravekeeper and Samurai.

All for today!

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