Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

(Project Angels) 4 interesting points

Cyber Dragon
There is a reason, why this card is on the first position in my thoughts. The testresults with the Dragon are really awesome. Because going without PoDs pressure in the early game is really important. CD do that perfectly and more: He is also great with Chimeratech Fortress Dragon in the Extra Deck against Karakuri and other Machinedecks. Also he is an awesome beatstick against MetaBeat and Gravekeeper.

Dimensional Alchemist
He is awesome. Good Beatstick, and Speed. Also normally no monsterremoval hit him, because he is not good enough, but when he is destroyed and removed from a Prison, the Prison can’t hit an important monster. Otherwise when he is destroyed and you can get cards like Hyperion back.

2x 7 Tools and 1x Forbidden Lance
That is the lineup I like the most. It is constant, not too much, but enough.

Gold Sarcophagus
Better than I thought. Against slow decks a really good card, but against OTKs like Fish or Samurai it isn’t good. When I play it, I can’t play lots of death draws, but in that case it could be an important option.

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