Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011

(Project) Angels win Nationals!

Hey Guys,

I start a project:
On the 11/12th June are the German Nationals. I go there and I will play Angels.
The Deck releases in the week before Nationals, so I start testing now.

Read the German Spoiler here. I am going to present the new cards in the next days or in the next weeks with Card Ratings.

Why Angels?
I want something new. When I top at Nationals I'll be the 1st Player in the history who topped with Angels in the complete TCG at a Premier Event.
Also I dont have Pod of Dualities and Solemn Warnings. I want to play a new Deck and show Germany that not every new theme need those cards. PoD would be good in the Deck, but this is not important, because they are toooooo expensive for me.

I will post in this Blog Decklists and results. You can help with comment and show other guys my Blog.

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