Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

(Project Angels) United we stand

Here, live (lol) from Japan: [url=http://shriek.twoday.net/stories/19460317/]The United we stand Agent Angel Deck[/url]!
I dont have to copy the list, you can use the link for sure.
Interesting is, that the Deck is a normal Agent Angel Build, but the player added 3 UWS and fixed the EstraDeck with [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Daigusto_Phoenix]Daigusto Phönix[/url] and Power Tool dragon.
It is so easy to OTK with the Deck. You only play Earth, search Venus, save Earth for one turn. Next Turn you summon Venus + 3 Shine Balls. You synchrosummon for Power Tool Dragon and Exceedsummon Daigusto Dragon. Then you put UWS on Daigusto and have an OTK. lol.
You need only ONE card and a bit set-up for the OTK.

So, TCG-World, look forward to Exceeds, they will change the game and bring you new OTKs, like Synchros did too. But, up to that cruel time, play with the cards you have, win tournaments and don't be to scared of the future :)

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