Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

(Project Angels) F**k with Librarian

Hey guys,

the T.G. Hyper Librarian is available now and it a really imba card.
You actually have three options: play with it, play explicit against it (and lose, lol) or stop playing YuGiOh for a short time.
In the Angel-Deck the Librarian is really amazing, because it is so easy to get Lv. 5. You play about 6 Lv. 2 and up to 3 Lv. 3 Tuner and all works perfect for synchroing the Hyper T.G..
You can start easy with Earth+Birdman+Protection in your hand and then make in the 2nd turn +3 or something and win the game.
I like mor and more the fact selling Kristya, because when you play with Kristya you have to play less Tuner. Without Kristya you can play up to 9 Tuner (Herold, Birdman, Earth x3) and abuse the Hyper T.G. really hard. Only for synchroing I will test Tengu so that I can synchrosummon more and more when I control the Hyper T.G.
BUT you don't only have to integrate the Hyper T.G., you have to answer you opponents Librarians. With Herold of orange Light the Angels have already a good answer, but I don't know if that is enough. I think Veiler or Forbidden Chalice aren't good enough, because they aren't permanent and only make the abuse slower. My personal favorite is by now Fiendish Chain, because it is permanent and also stops attacks, so you can save the Earth with it when you have to.

That where my 1st thoughts about the T.G. Hyper Librarian, thanks for reading.

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