Montag, 13. Juni 2011

(Project Angels) Report German Nationals Champioship 2011

Report German National Championship 2011

1st my build for the main event:

3] Hyperion
3] Earth
3] Shine Ball
3] Herold of orange Light
2] Kristya
2] Venus
2] Dimensional Alchemist
1] Birdman
1] Cyber Dragon
1] Honest

3] Cards from the Sky
2] MST
1] Reborn
1] Trunade
1] Dark Hole
1] Book of Moon
1] Swords of Revealing Light

2] Dimensional Prison
2] Bottomless Trap Hole
2] Dust Tornado
1] Black Horn of Heaven
1] Miraculous Descent
1] Judgement
1] Force
1] Torrential
1] Lord Gishilnodon
1] Scrap Dragon
1] Avenging Knight Parshath
1] Armory Arm
1] Colossal Fighter
1] Brionac
2] BRD
1] Formula Synchron
1] Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1] SDD
1] Trishula
1] Catastor
1] Thoughtruler (Day 2: Mist Wurm)
1] CFD

3] Banisher
2] Puppet Plant
1] Veiler (Day 2: DD Crow, what was also bad)
1] Kinetic
1] Gorz (Day 2: Rivalry of Warlords)
2] Smashing Ground
1] Burial from a DD (Day 2: Debunk, what is awesome)
2] Gozen-Match
2] Chain Disappearance

Round 1: vs. Enrico H. (Gladi)
I won the 1st game easy, because he couldn’t fusion. Then Trishula + Kristya were just awesome. The 2nd game I lost, because he started with Gladi + 2 Chariot + Warning. 3rd game I lost too, because I didn’t draw monster. The duell was really quick, but my match-up against Gladi ist just too bad, maybe Walhalla + Hecatrice in the Deck would be better.

Round 2: Michael S. (Plant)
1st game was really funny, I started with Earth + BTH. He played Lonefire and searched out a Tytanial, I answered with BTH. He used Tytas effect bringing it to the Graveyard. I had Reborn in Hand, so I played Trishula (removing Dandy from Hand and Force from field, lol) and then Reborn for Tyta and that was the win.
2nd game he started really good and bring me to 1000 lp, when he had only 2800 damage. The I played Trunade clearing the field, Hyperion (topdeck) + Kristya turning the Duell around and won 2:0.

Round 3: Kay Z. (Samurai)
He was really young and opened game 1 with Portal + SSU so I lost. Kristya won the 2nd game for me. 3rd game I didn’t get damage, because he didn’t have removals against Kinetic. Then he made a big misplay, because he thought Double-Edged Sword Technique can bring back Shien’s Squire, but it doesn’t. So I told him, he had to bring back Shi En + Kizan and in the End Phase he died because of Double-Edged drawback.

Round 4: Torben (Tengu Plant)
1st game I didn’t have any chance, but it was a long duell. The important scene was the following: I had Earth and TT, Prison, Horn facedown. He played Debris to bring Dandy back and had 2 cards in his backrow. I didn’t played TT to save the Earth (lol). So he bring out BRD, I answered with Horn but he had the 7 Tools and the BRD blowed up the field. I didn’t come back after that situation.
2nd game he made lots of plus with Tengus and his 3 Pot of Avarice. PoA was the gamebreaker, because he had 6 cards in Hand where I only had 3 and on the field we had all in all the same options. Quick: I lost.

Round 5: Andre W. (Xsaber)
I love matches against Saber. 1st duell he had about plus 6 but couldn’t kill Kristya, so I beatdowned with Alchemist for the win. 2nd duell was closer. I had Kristya early, but he had Forbidden Chalice as a really good response. So he killed Kristya, but I  had already 6 Fairys in the grave. However I had enough traps to control the game. Then I draw Hyperion through Card from the Sky with the result winning tha game next turn.

Round 6: (Forgetting Name L ) Agent Angels
My match-up for mirror-matches is really good, because I play lots of protection. He was a really nice guy, but I 2:0ed him without any problems. Afterwards we talked a lot, it was nice.

Yeah, then come what have to come: My tiebreak was really bad, because some opponents dropped (I hate you! lol) and my defeats werde in round 1 and round 4 what is really bad. Altogether I ended up at place 260, but the cut where at 256. Sad.

Day 2:
I arrived really late at the location. There wasn’t an attack of the giant card and I was too late for playing the Teamcup.
I made a few changes (kicked Sorl + Horn, added 1st Prison + nothing and later instead of Prison Walhalla + Hecatrice). I played with the 3-prisons-build 2 8-people-KO-events and lostone time against Gladi in the final and the other time against Gravekeeper in round one.
Then I decided playing 1 Hecatrice + 1 Walhalla and played a 32-people Win-A-Mat tournament. I made the finals and my opponent agreed to a split. We selled the mat for 30€, so both get 15€.
Afterwards there wasn’t another 32-people-Win-A-Mat, but you could win a mat at the 8-people-events. I played, won and selled the mat for 25€. All in all I get 40€. I bought a WCQ 2011 mat for 20€ and some cards.
Day 2 was all in all a really good result for me.

+ 4:2 in Mainevent without Warning + PoD
+ Proved all wrong which said my build isn’t consistent enough
+ Won 2 mats
+ really nice opponents in the Mainevent, round 1, 4, 5 + 6 were really funny
~ Hecatrice + Walhalla (both random) are really awesome, but I assesses to late
~ PoD isn’t that important, Warning sadly is.
- Didn’t made Day 2
- Sidedeck wasn’t good enough
- Selling + Trading was really difficult
- Amigo’s planning was really bad, the mainevent-hall didn’t have enough place, so lots of tables were in the Sideevent hall.
- The schedule was totally crap

All in all Day 2 was better then Day 1 for me, lol.

Thanks for reading!
~ Marager

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