Donnerstag, 11. August 2011

(Angels) TENGU-DECREE! Deck Discussion + Locals

Hey guys,
Yesterday I told you that I have a really interesting Tengu-Decree-Angel so today I will Blog about it.
When you read the GenCon Coverage it’s always “I play this and that, set 4-5 to the Backrow and afterwards it’s your turn!” That sucks! I don’t know if Storm is really needed back and I won’t post about it. But until the Banned List you have to answer the backrows. Angels don’t have Hyunlei and can’t blow up the field as much as Plant and Salvo Builds can do it. The only cards which are helpful are Xing Zhen Hu and ROYAL DECREE. All other stuff isn’t permanent enough (Trap Stun) or handicap yourself too much (Malevolent Catastrophe) or only destroy one card (Dust, Breaker). MST and Trunade are staple, no discussion needed.
Tengu seems really rand0m in an Agent Angel Deck, but it is the best answer against your opponents Tengus. Also it eats the Backrow, because Warning, Judgement etc. will always hit Tengu. The Reborn is additional a good beatstick and the most Fairy cards have lower ATK. Last but not least Tengu is all in all a real consistent card. If you have to you can tribute it for Kristya, you can use him for XYZ-summons with Jupiter or Mind Control or you only synchro with him. The combo with Birdman is also awesome.
Now, 6 Slots are gone. The most important Engine is the Agent. 3 Earth, 2 Venus, 1 Jupiter, 3 Shine Balls, 3 Hyperion and 2 Kristya (but I only have 1 Archlord L) are Staple. Then you add Cards from the Sky x2, Birdman x1, Dimensional Alchemist x3 and your monster count is almost ready.
You play Decree, but you need protection – for your monsters and your LP. Honest is staple, Enemy Controller is really flexible, Forbidden Chalice is nice, because it push your monster and it stops the effect of the opponents gamebreaker. Level Limit Area B is quite funny, because Venus runs over about everything, also the XYZs are really strong with it. Also you can add cards like Tragoedia, United we stand or Swords of Revealing Light if you want to.
Against OTKs Battle Fader is a real good card. In combination with Alchemist it annoys your rival a lot and it can protect you over rounds.
With Decree there is a real nice combo: Activate Royal Oppression for +1, let it stay on the field until your opponent destroy it or you can spam everything on the field. Then you have Decree and RO isn’t interesting for you anymore. Your opponent won’t destroy RD, because MST, Dust, etc. would hit the RO.
This is the main build. The build I tested isn’t perfect, you can find in on eTCG, here is the link:
In the extra Deck are the new cards from GENF missing. Actually they are too expensive and I won’t buy them until they are cheaper.

On Wednesday I was at Locals with the Deck. My Side where complete MetaBeat. I sided out the Venus Engine with Shine Balls, EC, LLAB, Birdman, some Hyperion etc. and sided in normally about 12 cards. Here is the List:
2 Breaker
2 Rai Oh
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Jupiter
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Kycoo
1 DD Crow
3 Dimensional Fissure
2 Smashing Ground.

1st round was against T.G. I won the first game, sided in the MetaBeat-Board, but lost the second game. In the third I don’t have real problems, because Fissure and Decree at the start.
2nd round was against Formula Monarch. I lost at first, because I don’t draw anything, but he didn’t see anything from my main strategy beside the Tengus. I only boarded in Kycoo and  Crow and then he got Trish’d. The third game Fissure did the Rest.
3rd round was against Gladi. I hate them. 0:2, my board was bad against it.
4th round was against Tengu Plant. The winner gain a TU so the motivation to win was still alive. The first game was awesome. Both spamed a lot of stuff, but all in all I lost, because the Plants need less SetUp for big plays. My MetaBeat Board won the second game with Decree, but he also boarded  the Plant-Enginge out. The last duell was really tough, he made a high risk move  and I couldn’t answer good enough, so I lost.

+ Tengu was awesome
+ One Kristya is enough….in my build
+ Decree won lots of games
+ RO + RD afterwards is amazing
+ Lots of diversity in the Metagame at locals
- lots of normal Board cards are really strong against me (Rai Oh, Catastrophe, Pachy, Smashing, etc.)
- Gladi kills me
- Final result not good enough
- When I play without Venus my build isn’t explosive enough

That was all for today, thanks for reading!

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