Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

(Project Angels) Tomorrow is D-Day // Metagame predictions

Hey guys,

tomorrow is, where it all comes down. One month work, lots of hours testing and trading, lots of energy invested. My build is ready, it works perfect together with the Sidedeck and have no real problems.
So, WCQ Kassel...Veni, vidi, vici; I came, I saw, I conquered!


Here are my Metagame predictions,
1st, what is going to be played:
1. PlantVersions + Saber
2. Samurai + Gravekeeper
These are the 4 Decks, which will be played most. No matter, what is in the reality good, but all the Decks won some events in the past and on Nationals player only play, what they THINK is good.

2nd, what makes the Top 16:
6 Plant Versions
3 XSaber
2 Samurai
1 Gravekeeper
1 Agent Angels
1 XXX-Sworn
1 Formula Monarch
1 Gladi

I think Tengu/Plant Versions are the strongest choice for the Nationals, because they are very flexible. Against Samurai and Gk they can board really good and against all other stuff there isn't a really auto-lose match-up. Only the prohibition of the Armory Arm + Kolo OTK could be problematic, because it what very easy with the Combo Dandy + LfB.
The really good players in Germany like XSaber more than all other Decks, so the will top very much too.
Normally there will be one rnd who mills lucky all the tournament, the quota Formula Monarch, because one have to  go to Top 16. European loves Gladi, so we will have one in Top 16 too.

Yeah, that was all for today. Wish me enough luck, I will post the results tomorrow  night.

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