Hey guys,
The Nationals are over, I can't go to the European Championship, because I am in holydays and also don't have the Quali, so all in all there is no big event for me in the future.
Everybody know that Kristya get a reprint, but nobody knows where. I think we get the reprint at September at the earliest.
I am going to sell my 2 copies at eBAY. Here is a link to my auction! I hope I get about 60€, because I bought it for about 30€, so I have a 100% win-quotient.
I want to keep on playing the Deck, so I need a build. I know netdecking is random, but I am going to start my testings with the following build. Florian Amelang made the Top 32 with the Deck at the Nationals. Good work btw!
3x Master Hyperion
3x Herald of Orange Light
3x Genex Ally Birdman
3x The Agent of Creation - Venus
3x The Agent of Mystery - Earth
1x Honest
3x Mystical Shine Ball
3x Pot of Duality
3x United We Stand
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Mind Control
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Book of Moon
1x Giant Trunade
2x Solemn Warning
2x Trap Stun
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x X-Saber Urbellum
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Avenging Knight Parshath
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth and Sky
1x Scrap Archfiend
1x Ancient Holy Wyvern
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Consecrated Light
2x Puppet Plant
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Snowman Eater
2x Nobleman of Crossout
2x Dust Tornado
2x Chain Disapperance
1x Malevolent Catastrophe
I will ignore the Side and Extra Deck, it's only written here for the sake of completeness.
The Maindeck is really interesting.
He played the mxaimal copies of all monsters. Also 3 Birdman, what is most interesting. The Birdman come always special summon, what could be deathdraw with Kristyas, but he played no Kristyas, so Birdmans deathdraw rate is lower.
3 copies of Venus is also interesting, but it is in his buid a good choice for 2 reasons: 1st are the 3 Birdman. Venus + Birdman are a really good synchrooption and you can give an Earth to your hand (with Birdman) and search again with Earth then. That means +1, but you need the targets. 2nd reason is United we stand (UWS). UWS is a really amazing equip-spell, not only because of the Daigusta-OTK. With 3 Venus you have easily Venus + UWS what means a really big Beatstick.
He ignore Treasure of Heaven, but play 3 copies of Pot of Duality. When you have the money a logical choice, I will test only 3 Treasures, I don't think that matters so much, even if PoD is clearly better.
Mind Control is a good choice with the 3 Birdman. You can give a Synchro back to the ExtraDeck or play a big Synchro on yourself.
2 Warning - moneycard. I am going to play BTH or Debunk, don't know yet. Or maybe a crazy thing like "Forced Back" oder "Compulsary Evacuation Device".
Interesting is Trap Stun. It is always the same discussion. Dust Tornado or 7 Tools or Trap Stun like Florian played it. Dust Tornados were in my build the right choice, because I control and don't really rush big or want to OTK. In his build the both other choices could be good. Warning kills the Deck and 7 Tools is a really good answer, but the Rush is more important and with UWS you could OTK easier, so Trap Stun could be a good decision also. I will test both.
Interesting is that he didn*t play Torrential Tribute, Miraculous Descent, Call of the Haunted or Dimensional Alchemist.
He didn't play TT because he want to save the Earth and the Venus and not destroy the whole field. Also he doesn't have the awesome combo "play Alchemist, remove a monster, play TT". So this decision is obvious.
Descent or Call could be good cards with UWS, because you get more monster, but Florian decided to play less deathdraws as possible and both are death cards in the early game. When I play with 2 or 3 Treasure Descent is less dd and I have to test it.
Alchemist wouldn't be good in that deck than in mine because you don't really need the big monster. Alchemist normally get you Kristya or Hyperion early, but none of that cards are real central in here.
A funny choice could be Pot of Avarice, because after the 1st Venus you normally doesn't have any Shine Balls anymore, what could kill you in the lategame. So you could play PoA to get them back from the Grave or Necroface to get them back from the RfG-Pile. I don't any other card which put cards from the RfG back to your Deck, is there?
With that thoughts I end.
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