Hey guys,
to use Librarian perfectly you have to play as much Lv. 2 and 3 Monsters as possible. Also cards which negate Specialsummons aren't useful.
So, what Cards do we mustn't play?
Oppression, Kristya, Barrier Statue of the Heavens.
So, what options to we have?
Lv. 2: Earth, Shine Ball, Herold
Lv. 3: Venus, Birdman, Banisher of the Radiance.
WHAT? Banisher? Yes!
Banisher is really amazing, it kills the Tier-1-Decks XSaber and Plant. Because of playing without Kristya our MatchUp is worse against those Deck, but Banisher compansate that. Absent Kristya we have less cards who needs the graveyard. Honest + 2 Herold (only 2 because of the Board (later more) and DD-factor) + 3 Hyperion and Reborn. None of that cards need more than 2 Fairys in the grave so they aren't really DD with Banisher.
Yeah. All in all in game 1 we have so many options to Synchro for Librarian. Then we can abuse it with our 8 Tuner and win easily.
But what to we do in Game 2? Our opponent know our Deck now and could board cards against the Deck.
My idea is an real MetaBeat-Board. We board out the complete Fairy-Engine and side in the AntiMeta-Stuff Cyber Dragon, Pachycephalo or Jowgen, Breaker, DD Warrior Lady + Reinforcement of the Army, Dimensional Fissure, Smashing Ground and Royal Oppression.
All Slots in Side are filled, only heavy decision is now playing with Pachy or Jowgen.
You have to set Pachy 1st before you can clear the Synchros. So a Tengu come, run into Set Pachy, both are destroyed, but a new Tengu come. Jowgen doesn't have that problem. You play him, use the Effect, destroy the Tengu and a new don't come. Probleme is that his ATK is lower, and you have to discard a random card.
Another fact is that Jowgen is Light. That is good and bad in one. You can use Jowgen for Light of Redemption and save it with Honest, BUT Light Improsing Mirror and Ally Salvo is a big problem.
Actually I don't have Pachy, so I am going to test Jowgen 1st.
A complete build is following in the next days, because I must find a consistent one before posting. The biggest probleme is that you have to play a Fairy-Engine which is small as possible, but the cutbacks mustn't jeopardize the consistentce.
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