Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Chaos Monarch? More consistent then I thought!


until the "Lost Sanctuary" Structure realeses, I also test with other Decks. Not for the Nationals, but just for fun and maybe to play some locals.

Two weeks ago on the tournament in Osterode (I didn't post something about the event, because I only went 3-3 and there wasn't really interesting stuff going on) I saw a guy playing Frog-Monarchs with Chaos Sorcerer and went well (I don't know if he topped, but the idea was interesting and he played at the front tables).
I tested around and found a build, which went consistent against Gravekeeper, Formula Monarchs and 6 Samurai. I am going to play tomorrow locals with the deck.

Here is the build:
Monster: (26)
3) Cyber Dragon
3) Light and Darkness Dragon
3) Caius
3) Battle Fader
3) Treeborn Frog
2) Chaos Sorcerer
2) Effect Veiler
2) Spirit Reaper
2) Raiza
1) Gorz
1) Plaguespreader Zombie
1) Sangan

Spell: (13)
3) Enemy Controller
2) Soul Exchange
2) MST
1) Reborn
1) Dark Hole
1) Giant Trunade
1) Foolish Burial
1) Allure of D
1) Book of Moon

Trap: (1)
1) Treachorous Trap Hole

Yeah, they are lots of Monsters, but there are not really death draws.
Lots of monsters will special summoned. The Monarchs come over Treeborn or Fader. LADD and the Monarchs are really awesome against the actual Metagame.
When my opponent has the Royal Tribute, it kills me, but this is the only bad thing on the Deck.
Rates, comments?

Thanks for reading :)

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